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Cookiebot vs CookieYes: Who Wins in 2024? [Detailed Comparison]

Osman Husain 4/8/24 1:55 PM
cookiebot vs cookieyes

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Cookiebot vs CookieYes

The main difference between Cookiebot and CookieYes is that Cookiebot, which is part of the Usercentrics’ suite of consent management platforms (CMPs), has many advanced features for cookie management and detailed reporting, making it a suitable for big teams focusing on comprehensive regulatory compliance. On the other hand, CookieYes is a simpler and easier-to-use, cost-effective alternative to Cookiebot, and it is designed for small teams who want a smooth user experience and helpful support. 

In this article, we'll look closely at the two products to help you decide which one is right for you. If you're not happy with either platform, we'll introduce a third option to help you choose the right CMP partner.


What are Cookiebot and CookieYes?

Cookiebot is a robust CMP solution and compliance powerhouse founded in 2012. It enables organizations of all sizes to easily display a cookie consent banner on websites to achieve data privacy compliance with global regulations. Cookiebot CMP also provides a website cookie scanner for cookies and tracking technologies in use, as well as a cookie repository, consent storage, and an automated cookie declaration. 

In 2021, Usercentrics (another CMP brand) acquired Cookiebot, and the two companies united to become a global market leader in consent management.  

CookieYes is a fast-growing all-in-one CMP solution founded in 2018, the same year the GDPR went live. It began as a WordPress plugin to make cookie compliance easy for web developers and website owners to adapt to compliance needs after the GDPR. As compliance got tougher with new regulations coming up around the world, CookieYes built a standalone cookie consent solution.

Today, CookieYes’s portfolio includes a WordPress plugin, web application, Shopify app, and an agency and affiliate partner program. CookieYes is now used on over 1.5 Million websites to comply with data privacy laws. 


Cookiebot Pros 

  • Robust Compliance Features: Cookiebot offers advanced tools for cookie scanning, management, and compliance, ensuring adherence to data privacy regulations.
  • Granular Consent Controls: Offers granular consent controls, allowing website owners to manage cookie preferences based on user preferences.
  • Detailed Reporting: Provides detailed reports on cookie usage and consent, facilitating transparency and compliance documentation.
  • Mature Product: Clients seem satisfied with the results of implementing Cookiebot based on user reviews, indicating its effectiveness in managing cookie consent and compliance.
  • No Fees for Small Websites: The option for websites with up to 50 pages to use Cookiebot without incurring fees is appreciated by users, making it accessible and cost-effective for smaller websites.


Cookiebot Cons

  • Complexity: Cookiebot may have a steeper learning curve due to its advanced features and configuration options.
  • Cost: Depending on the subscription plan and website traffic, Cookiebot's pricing may be higher compared to simpler cookie consent solutions.
  • Limited Customization in Free Version: The free version only allows users to display the cookie consent popup with the default format, requiring a paid subscription for full customization to match website styles.
  • Requires HTML or JavaScript Knowledge for Customization: Users note that customizing popups in Cookiebot may be challenging for those without sufficient knowledge of HTML or JavaScript, limiting customization options for some users.
  • License Fees: Some users express dissatisfaction with Cookiebot's recent increase in license fees, although the platform is still cheaper than some of its competitors.

For example, this unsatisfied review of CookieBot points to its technical complexity, poor help documentation, and lack of feedback from the customer support team.

cookiebot user experience


Overall Thoughts on Cookiebot


Cookiebot offers a robust set of features to help businesses meet the demands of data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.  Its advanced features cater to organizations that take data privacy very seriously. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Integration capabilities further enhance its value.

However, there are trade-offs. User reviews have noted its technical complexity and a perceived lack of customer support. The pricing for large websites can soon add up, making it an expensive outlay for enterprise clients. 

In essence, Cookiebot is a good pick for businesses that really care about compliance and have the resources to manage it. But if you want something easier to use with great support, you might want to check out other options.

👉 Read our detailed Cookiebot review that discusses its consent management functions, UX, and more


CookieYes Pros 

  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: Users appreciate CookieYes for its simplicity, easy access, and intuitive interface, making it straightforward to navigate and customize.
  • Customizable Cookie Consent Banner: CookieYes allows users to customize the cookie consent banner to match their website design, providing flexibility and control over the appearance.
  • Responsive Support Team: Users praise CookieYes for its responsive support team, who promptly address queries and provide useful assistance when needed.
  • Free Tier for Majority of Projects: The free tier is sufficient for most projects. Users can take advantage of a 14-day free trial to test out the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan. 
  • Flexible Pricing: CookieYes offers a range of pricing plans suitable for different types of users, from bloggers to large businesses, allowing users to choose a plan that fits their needs and budget.


CookieYes Cons

  • Limited Features and Early Stage Product: Users note that CookieYes still has limited features and is in the early stages of development, with some aspects needing further improvement and translations.
  • Small Bugs and Lack of Documentation: Users noted the presence of small bugs in CookieYes and expressed a desire for more comprehensive documentation, particularly regarding CSS classes for targeting product customization.
  • Limited Pages and Pageviews: While the pricing plans offer generous allowances for pages scanned and pageviews accommodated, users with exceptionally large websites or high traffic volumes may find the limits restrictive and may need to upgrade to higher-tier plans, resulting in increased costs.


Overall Thoughts on CookieYes

CookieYes simplifies cookie consent management with a focus on customization, clear visuals, and user experience. Users with limited technical expertise can likely set up and manage CookieYes effectively. The focus on user experience extends to their pricing structure, offering a free plan for basic needs and transparent pricing for additional features. Customer support receives positive reviews for being responsive and helpful.

However, CookieYes might not be the most comprehensive solution for complex compliance needs. While it offers compliance features, its strength lies in user experience, potentially offering fewer features compared to other competitors.  Scalability for very large and complex websites might also be a limiting factor.

Overall, CookieYes is a great choice for SMBs or those that prefer a user-friendly solution with clear pricing and excellent customer support. Businesses with stricter compliance requirements or large, complex websites might benefit from exploring other tools.

👉 Read our detailed review of CookieYes, including consent management, UX, and more 


Cookiebot vs CookieYes: Who Wins in 2024?

There's no clear winner between Cookiebot and CookieYes. Ultimately, the winner depends on your priorities. and which factors are most important to you. The best way to decide is to consider your specific needs and try out both platforms to see which one feels like a better fit for your team and website.







User Experience


More compliance-focused features

More user-friendly and customizable features

Ease of Use

Steeper learning curve

Easier to set up and manage


Documentation, FAQ, community

Email, documentation, FAQ, training resources, ticket support. 


Complex, especially for larger deployments

Clearer structure, free plan available


Choose Cookiebot if:

  • Compliance is paramount: You need a solution with a comprehensive set of features to ensure user consent adheres to data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
  • You have a dedicated team: Your team has the resources and expertise to manage a potentially steeper learning curve.
  • Scalability is a must: You have a large and complex website with a significant amount of cookie management.


Choose CookieYes if:

  • User experience is key: You prioritize a user-friendly interface with easy customization options for cookie consent banners.
  • Your team is small: You have a limited technical team or value a solution that's easy to set up and manage.
  • Budget is a concern: You appreciate a clear pricing structure with a free plan for basic needs.
  • Support matters: You value responsive and helpful customer support


Cookiebot vs CookieYes: Another Option to Consider

As data privacy regulations continue to evolve and the cookie consent management market expands, it's crucial to explore options that align better with your needs and strike the right balance. While both Cookiebot and CookieYes offer valuable solutions, they cater to distinct priorities. However, Enzuzo stands out as a compelling option in 2024, striking the ideal balance between compliance and user experience.

Enzuzo offers a well-rounded feature set that prioritizes both compliance and user experience. Enzuzo is a certified CMP by Google with support for Consent Mode V2. This certification demonstrates Enzuzo's commitment to adhering to Google's strict guidelines for managing user consent, particularly in regions like the EU where data privacy regulations are stringent.

What's more, Enzuzo's pricing scales well for complex websites and agencies managing multiple clients. The Agency plan works out to be $5/domain (when paid annually), covering a feature-rich consent management and data privacy experience. 

Users consistently report a quick, intuitive, and painless experience setting up website compliance policies.  They also appreciate the extensive customization options, allowing them to tailor policies to their specific needs.  The transparent pricing structure avoids hidden fees and ensures users know exactly what they're paying for, regardless of features used.


Enzuzo's credibility is further bolstered by partnerships with global companies like Lucy Group and Power Corporation of Canada.  These organizations trust Enzuzo for their vital data privacy needs, making it a reliable choice for companies seeking a balanced alternative to Cookiebot and CookieYes, or exploring other options altogether. 

👉 Start building your free cookie consent banner (no credit card required)

Nonetheless, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Enzuzo's potential to balance compliance and user experience makes it a strong contender, but the best choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. By thoroughly researching and comparing Enzuzo with Cookiebot and CookieYes, you'll be well-equipped to choose the optimal tool to ensure user trust and help you meet the evolving demands of data privacy regulations.

Learn more about how Enzuzo can power your consent and data privacy requirements. Book a complimentary, 1-1 strategy call today 👇

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Osman Husain

Osman is the content lead at Enzuzo. He has a background in data privacy management via a two-year role at ExpressVPN and extensive freelance work with cybersecurity and blockchain companies. Osman also holds an MBA from the Toronto Metropolitan University.