The trusted platform for fast growing brands
Discover how top global businesses leverage Enzuzo to build scalable privacy programs and achieve worldwide compliance.
25,000+ happy customers & growing!
We make global compliance accessible and affordable. At Enzuzo, our commitment to customer satisfaction has earned the trust of businesses in 50+ countries worldwide.
We're a Certified Google CMP Partner
Enzuzo is a Certified Google CMP Partner, recognized for its expertise in consent management and compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
Rated 4.6/5 stars on G2 reviews
We are dedicated to delivering outstanding privacy compliance solutions. Our high rating is a testament to the satisfaction and trust our customers place in our services.
Businesses big and small simplify
global compliance with Enzuzo
“I’ve had many of my agency friends call and ask about Law 25 compliance too. Now that I have my standard operating procedures in place, it’s easy to point them in the right direction.”
David B.
Uroboro (a Webflow Agency)
"I received exactly what I needed from Enzuzo at a very reasonable cost. It was straight forward to install, gave me everything I needed, and it's a bonus that the built-in cookie banner matches the design of my website already!"
“We were looking for a solution that was easy to use by someone who is not a compliance or IT expert, and that was also not over priced."
Emily W.
Lucy Electric
"After we installed enzuzo for a client, we saw their cookie acceptance rate jump from 3% to 97%"
Raphael V.
Mint Numerique
"The main thing we’re looking for is ease of implementation, and also enterprise pricing. Out of all the companies I’ve spoken with, you have the best pricing model."
Michael C.
"It’s super easy for implementation and scalability."
Laura P.
Command Media
Explore Enzuzo case studies
Learn how our customers are using Enzuzo to build powerful privacy experiences.