Free Squarespace Privacy Policy Generator
Generate a GDPR-compliant privacy policy for your Squarespace website in minutes. All policies auto-generate based on region-specific privacy laws and are vetted by human lawyers.
Create a privacy policy for Squarespace in 3 easy steps
Start building for free in minutes with our Squarespace privacy policy generator!

Add your website details
Answer a few key details about your Squarespace website so we can create a personalized privacy policy that's GDPR compliant.
Customize the look
We help you customize the style of your privacy policy to match your Squarespace website branding.
Publish in minutes
In a few minutes, your privacy policy is ready to launch on your Squarespace website. Add the link to the footer of your site and you're set!
Every feature you need.
Made for Squarespace
Generate a relevant and accurate privacy policy tailored explicitly for Squarespace in minutes!
GDPR & CCPA Compliance
Quickly become legally compliant with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD and other privacy laws worldwide.
25+ Languages
Our privacy policy page template is available in 25+ languages: English, French, German, Italian and more.
Built-in Request Form
A built-in form within your policy makes it easy for consumers to make GDPR and CCPA data requests.
Automatic Updates
We automatically keep your privacy policy up-to-date as privacy laws evolve, giving you peace of mind that your store is compliant.
Accordion Drop-downs
Visitors can quickly read through different sections of your privacy policy with organized drop-downs about what data you collect.
Why choose Enzuzo?
We're more than just a Squarespace privacy policy generator! Get access to a full suite of easy-to-use privacy tools for your business.
Benefit | Enzuzo | The Rest |
A complete privacy platform
Automatic policy updates
Who knows?
Flexible pricing & Free plan
Expensive or limited
5-star service
Why chance it?
Create custom legal policies for your Squarespace website
Easily launch professionally drafted legal privacy policies for your website, Squarespace store or mobile app without the high price tag.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Service
Returns and Refund Policy
Shipping Policy
Join 10,000+ websites
minimizing privacy risk
Join thousands of forward-thinking websites using our privacy policy generator.

Before Enzuzo, I was worried about how I would effectively deal with customers' inquiries and requests regarding their privacy and data.
Stacey Keller
Founder | Ponyback Hats

In a day and age where privacy is so important, we're glad to find an app that helps us take this worry away and allows us to focus on providing an exceptional customer experience.
Adam Jacobson
Owner | Acoustic Remedy

Trust is something that is really important to our brand, so it's great to have an app like Enzuzo available to help manage privacy without the headache.
Paige Harris
Founder | LAC swim

Great App! Really easy to use and doesn't take long to set up. Customer service are fast to respond too.
Jenna Rose
Founder | Jenna Rose Natural Living

Super easy to install and set up. Works like a charm, providing GDPR compliant ToS right out of the box.
J. Anders Hvide
Founder | Dune Original

A great application that has all the settings you need. Up to date with the latest compliance requirements. Highly recommended!
Happy Cushion

Squarespace Privacy Policy Generator FAQs
Why do I need a Squarespace Privacy Policy?
The main reason to have a compliant privacy policy is that it’s often required by law. Most jurisdictions require you to have and publish a privacy policy if you collect customers’ personal data.
If your website collects personal information from users or customers, you’ll need to write, publish, and enforce a privacy policy. Having a Squarespace website privacy policy will help your business stay compliant with legal policies.
This means that if you operate any of the following, you’re likely to need a privacy policy:
- Service-based website such as for SaaS applications
- Ecommerce website, such as a Shopify store
- A blog that runs advertising programs, for example, Google Adsense
How do I add a Privacy Policy to Squarespace?
Creating a unique privacy policy for your customers isn’t easy, especially if you aren’t a lawyer and don't know the legal requirements.
Our guide to adding privacy policy to Squarespace should help getting started.
Our privacy policy generator is updated regularly to ensure it’s consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
To create your policy with this generator, you just need to fill out the quick questionnaire, then choose your policy customizations. You can then easily implement the privacy policy on your Squarespace website.
Do I need a Privacy Policy on my Squarespace website?
A privacy policy helps you to build customer trust and ensure your business is compliant with all applicable legal regulations.
Therefore, it’s important to have a privacy policy on your Squarespace website so that your customers can easily read and understand the measures you’ve taken to protect their privacy and the steps they’re supposed to take when sharing their personal data on your site.
The more information you provide your customers about your policies, the more likely they will be to trust you with their personal data.
Is the privacy policy generator free to use?
Yes, our standard privacy policy generator is free to use.
We also have affordable pricing plans with added features for small, medium and fast-growing businesses that need a more comprehensive privacy policy solution.
What languages does my policy come in?
Our Squarespace privacy policy templates work for 24+ languages: English, French, German, Italian, EU Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch.
We will be adding more languages to our Squarespace Privacy Policy Generator in the near future, so please stay tuned.
What data privacy laws does the Squarespace Privacy Policy apply to?
With so much business being done internationally, you need to consider the privacy laws of any locations where your customers reside — as that’s what applies to their relationship with you.
Our Squarespace privacy policy template covers all major privacy laws, including GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA and LGPD. As more privacy laws are introduced, we will update your policy to comply with worldwide legal regulations.