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Identity Theft

Osman Husain Apr 10, 2023 4:11:01 PM

Identity theft is a serious crime that occurs when someone wrongfully obtains and uses your personal information, like your name, Social Security number (SSN), or credit card number, to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity thieves may use your information to open new accounts in your name — checking, savings, credit card, or other types of accounts — and run up debts that you’ll be responsible for paying.

Identity thieves may also steal your identity to commit medical fraud and get prescription drugs. This can lead to problems with your health insurance coverage and the bills you have to pay.

Identity thieves use the money they make from these crimes to buy things like electronics, cars, and fake IDs. They also use this money to pay off outstanding debts they have on credit cards and other accounts that they opened using stolen identities. If an identity thief is arrested, their crimes will be listed on their criminal record forever – even though it wasn't them who committed them.

Osman Husain

Osman is the content lead at Enzuzo. He has a background in data privacy management via a two-year role at ExpressVPN and extensive freelance work with cybersecurity and blockchain companies. Osman also holds an MBA from the Toronto Metropolitan University.

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